Thursday, December 1, 2011

My First Blog...

So... I'm not entirely sure how this whole super cool, in vogue, hipster rad, "blog" thing is supposed to go. Is it supposed to be a well constructed and formal piece of writing? Or is it more along the lines of a web page to write whatever the hell you want to?

Well..... I am not a formal kind of guy... so this is a "do whatever Michael Castle wants to do" page.

One thing I do know that I will be using my blog for is for photos. 'Cause photos are cool. My friend Katie inspired me to start taking pictures again and schooled me on this other cool new trendy thing called a "Photography Challenge." She's done one already and now we will actually be doing this challenge together. The idea is to take and post a picture every day for 30 days corresponding with different themes. I unfortunately do not have the time to do that so I will be altering the challenge just a bit to suit my needs. I'll (for the most part) be doing my posting/shooting on the weekends because I'm so busy during the week.

Well anyway, here is the challenge:

Well, I don't have much else to say tonight so..... yeah...

Thanks to Katie for the inspiration to start this blog and start taking pictures again. I've no idea where any of it'll go but it should be a fun road.

I am SO freaking excited to go to bed right now... Just sayin'...

1 comment:

  1. pshh. You were totally made for blogs, you hipster you. And you're very welcome for the inspiration! Glad I could help :) Can't wait to see what you do with it!

    Also, thanks again for following my blog. I'm pretty sure you're the only one that actually cared whether or not I posted. Haha. As I've told you before, it means a lot.
